Do you answer calls from unrecognized numbers? Neither do your patients
Telemarketer. Spam. Scam. Unknown number. You've probably encountered these labels flashing across your phone screen and, like many others, chosen not to answer. A staggering 85% of people ignore calls from unidentified numbers. If your practice relies on outbound calls for scheduling appointments, providing results, or returning calls, this short blog is for you.
What’s New with Caller ID?
With an increasing number of unsolicited or deceptive calls from bad actors, mobile carriers and government bodies are intensifying efforts to accurately label calls for consumers. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in legitimate calls being mislabeled. Until recently, Caller ID relied on a method called “CNAM” to associate a caller’s name with a phone number.
However, as we entered 2023, CNAM has become outdated, and now only about 5% of calls display caller names through this method. Coupled with the shift of more calls going to mobile phones rather than landlines and the implementation of new government regulations like STIR/SHAKEN, the methods for Caller ID delivery are in constant flux. With spam accounting for 35% of calls in the United States, carriers are understandably vigilant in marking calls.
Am I Experiencing Issues?
Even if your practice name used to appear for patients, it’s possible that it's now being blocked. If your calls aren't displaying your name – or worse, show up as something like “telemarketer” or “spam” – your patients are likely informing your agents. It's important to instruct your agents making outbound calls to listen for patient feedback and share any issues with their manager.
What Are My Options?
The PatientSync team stays updated on the latest developments in Caller ID optimization and strategies. If you suspect Caller ID issues, we recommend two solutions.
Free Whitelisting Services
A good initial step is utilizing a free whitelisting service. PatientSync can assist you in working with our preferred service. This process typically involves vetting your phone numbers and company information, resulting in reduced chances of major wireless carriers (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) flagging your calls as telemarketing or spam. Instead, they often display either a category (such as "Healthcare") or your company name.
“Call Branding” Partners
PatientSync has partnered with several “Call Branding” companies. They can elevate Caller ID by offering:
• Increased assurance that your company name appears
• Enhanced branding – displaying up to 32 characters in the Caller ID, including your brand/practice name
• Reporting on the frequency of your brand name being displayed
Our Call Branding partners report a 49% decrease in call rejections and a 69% increase in conversion rates. These partners typically charge a fixed fee for each call where the branding is displayed. If outbound calls significantly contribute to your revenue, considering Call Branding is advisable.
What's the Next Step?
If you're uncertain or suspect issues, reach out to your customer success manager. They can analyze your situation and identify opportunities. Subsequently, they can recommend exploring Whitelisting or Call Branding.
The landscape of spam and scam calls is becoming increasingly intricate. PatientSync will continue monitoring trends and solutions, ensuring you're informed about new developments and available options.

Do you answer calls from unrecognized numbers? Neither do your patients

Telemarketer. Spam. Scam. Unknown number. You've probably encountered these labels flashing across your phone screen and, like many others, chosen not to answer. A staggering 85% of people ignore calls from unidentified numbers. If your practice relies on outbound calls for scheduling appointments, providing results, or returning calls, this short blog is for you.
What’s New with Caller ID?
With an increasing number of unsolicited or deceptive calls from bad actors, mobile carriers and government bodies are intensifying efforts to accurately label calls for consumers. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in legitimate calls being mislabeled. Until recently, Caller ID relied on a method called “CNAM” to associate a caller’s name with a phone number.
However, as we entered 2023, CNAM has become outdated, and now only about 5% of calls display caller names through this method. Coupled with the shift of more calls going to mobile phones rather than landlines and the implementation of new government regulations like STIR/SHAKEN, the methods for Caller ID delivery are in constant flux. With spam accounting for 35% of calls in the United States, carriers are understandably vigilant in marking calls.
Am I Experiencing Issues?
Even if your practice name used to appear for patients, it’s possible that it's now being blocked. If your calls aren't displaying your name – or worse, show up as something like “telemarketer” or “spam” – your patients are likely informing your agents. It's important to instruct your agents making outbound calls to listen for patient feedback and share any issues with their manager.
What Are My Options?
The PatientSync team stays updated on the latest developments in Caller ID optimization and strategies. If you suspect Caller ID issues, we recommend two solutions.
Free Whitelisting Services
A good initial step is utilizing a free whitelisting service. PatientSync can assist you in working with our preferred service. This process typically involves vetting your phone numbers and company information, resulting in reduced chances of major wireless carriers (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) flagging your calls as telemarketing or spam. Instead, they often display either a category (such as "Healthcare") or your company name.
“Call Branding” Partners
PatientSync has partnered with several “Call Branding” companies. They can elevate Caller ID by offering:
• Increased assurance that your company name appears
• Enhanced branding – displaying up to 32 characters in the Caller ID, including your brand/practice name
• Reporting on the frequency of your brand name being displayed
Our Call Branding partners report a 49% decrease in call rejections and a 69% increase in conversion rates. These partners typically charge a fixed fee for each call where the branding is displayed. If outbound calls significantly contribute to your revenue, considering Call Branding is advisable.
What's the Next Step?
If you're uncertain or suspect issues, reach out to your customer success manager. They can analyze your situation and identify opportunities. Subsequently, they can recommend exploring Whitelisting or Call Branding.
The landscape of spam and scam calls is becoming increasingly intricate. PatientSync will continue monitoring trends and solutions, ensuring you're informed about new developments and available options.